
Photoshop and AI for Architectural Rendering

Photoshop and AI for Architectural Rendering

The majority of the architectural scenes featured on this page have been generated using AI from a freehand sketch and further enhanced through Photoshop modifications

توليد المشاهد المعمارية باستخدام  فوتوشوب والذكاء الاصطناعي  وفي بعض الحالات اوتوكاد (AutoCAD)


تم عمل النموذج في البرمجية اوتوكاد

una pausa, Durante l'approssimazione poliedrica della quadrica

Casa X

Casa Organica


Ragnatela- هلل

from Prabal Gurung



L'AI image generator è un'applicazione dell'intelligenza artificiale che utilizza algoritmi complessi per creare immagini realistiche o artistiche. Attraverso l'addestramento su grandi set di dati, può generare nuove immagini seguendo uno stile o tema specifico. È utilizzato in diversi campi come grafica digitale, design e ricerca scientifica. Tuttavia, le immagini generate possono avere limitazioni basate sui dati di addestramento e l'efficacia dipende dalla qualità dei dati e dell'algoritmo utilizzato.

Description: In this project, the aim is to utilize the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and the capabilities of Photoshop to transform and enhance my old drawings. By leveraging AI technology, I can generate realistic and detailed renders of my original artwork. Photoshop further allows me to refine and correct any imperfections, ensuring a professional and polished final result.

The process involves feeding my original drawings into an AI image generator, which uses advanced algorithms to analyze and understand the content. It then applies various rendering techniques to enhance the details, colors, and textures of the artwork. The generated render serves as a starting point for further refinements.

With the help of Photoshop, I can meticulously fine-tune the render, adjusting colors, contrast, and lighting to achieve the desired effect. I can also make precise edits, correcting any errors or imperfections that may have occurred during the rendering process. This combination of AI and Photoshop allows me to breathe new life into my old drawings, elevating them to a professional level and showcasing their full potential.

== معرض صور==

#Gaza - di sicuro rinascerà✌️

Petra Housing

Tranquillo in un lontano villaggio: Impronte di scarpe

Villaggi perduti




Gaudi n

Decostruzione Architettonica
la sorgente della mia elaborazione digitale e' una scultura di Norman Carlberg

Facciata universita


the cave architecture-عمارة الكهف

distaccato e lontano

- il dentro fuori e viceversa- Icomos

Nafsyeh- modellazione psicologica

للراغبين في الاستمرار في تحفيز العقل.
مطلوب نمذجة الحجوم المبينة في الصورة،
علما بأن محور الاسطوانة المركزية لا يتطابق مع محاور المنصات الدائرية الكبيرة. والهيكل القوسي لهذه المنصات مرئي ومكون من مصفوفة دائرية من الاقواس.

الحب الفطري للأشكال المنحنية


the bird's eye view of a commercial area where the buildings are formed by a polar series. the center of which coincides with the center of an open square. the buildings have the shape of leaves and double-curved roofs.

Mountain huts
ملاذ جبلي يعد هذا الملاذ ملاذًا مثاليًا لأولئك الذين يبحثون عن السلام والهدوء بعيدًا عن صخب الحياة اليومية.  حيث يمكن للمرء اعادة  التواصل مع الطبيعة والاستمتاع بجمالها الاصيل. يمتزج  طراز الملاذ مع االطبيعة باستخدام مواد محلية مثل الخشب والحجر.

The frontal perspective of the facade of a classical building and its reflection in the river ahead. there is a Mannerist geometric rhythm that grows along the diagonals of the facade. the rhythm is very prominent


يصف المشهد حالة من العزلة والانغلاق الذهني ، حيث يفضل الناس البقاء في عوالمهم الخاصة ، متجاهلين الثقافات المختلفة والعالم الخارجي ، محميون ومطمئنون ولكن في نفس الوقت مقيدين في أقفاصهم الذهبية.
من المفترض أن يكون المشهد دعوة للتفكير في أهمية الخروج من القوالب الثقافية والانفتاح على العالم وتجارب الشعوب الأخرى.
"Devi uscire dalla tua cultura per vedere le catene che hanno messo nel tuo pensiero."

Sabra and Shatila massacre

Aloe Polyphilla dome

Cingh house

"Michel Foucault's idea was adopted in this scene: 'The inside is nothing but a fold of the outside'."
Torre ANtica
When commercial buildings have facades composed of large screens that continuously change shape, it represents interactive and digital architecture. These "media facades" or "dynamic facades" use technology to project dynamic content, creating visually engaging and ever-changing appearances.
These interactive facades utilize LED screens, projectors, or other devices to project images and videos onto the building's external surface. By responding to external inputs such as movements, environmental factors, or time of day, the facades transform dynamically, offering a unique and captivating visual experience. This innovative use of technology enhances the building's appeal and can contribute to a more vibrant and dynamic urban environment. However, it is essential to consider sustainability and energy consumption when employing this technology, ensuring responsible and efficient usage

مبنى مستوحى من شكل الدخان


Huts in a Palestinian Refugee Camp"
مخيم للاجئين الفلسطينيين

يُظهر المشهد سلسلة من الأكواخ ذات مداخن أسطوانية مركزية للدعم والتهوية. توفر هذه الأكواخ المأوى للاجئين الفلسطينيين الذين طردتهم الدولة الصهيونية من أراضيهم. مصنوعة من الألواح من الألمنيوم المموج والخشب والقماش وقاعدة من طين.

Nal Hotel

Torre di carta

Giddo house
 في هذه الحالة، تمت إضافة ثلاثة طوابق إلى مبنى قائم. وحيث كان من الضروري اولا تحديد ارتفاعات الطوابق الإضافية وشكل الفتحات وموقعها واختيار المواد. بعد ذلك، تم إجراء التعديلات اللازمة لتصحيح الأخطاء الظاهرة في عملية التصيير الذكية

The perspective (three vanishing points) of the entrance to a hypothetical train station in rome. The entrance has a large suspended winged roof. the reticular structure with tubular steel, tie rods and polycarbonate.

سحر المزجرة (Apotropaic magic)

Octo House



مبنى كلية الفنون- الجامعة الاردنية


Onda architettonica

blob house
_ Jenin -Palestina- جنين- فلسطين

Lenticular clouds

ormai si schizza direttamente con l'aiuto del IA

Prospettiva di un palazzo commerciale:Palazzo alto 5 piani con superficie semi torica che si raccorda con due semi ellissoidi.
Generatrici meridiane inclinate delle superfici toriche.
Struttura:Forma tubolare del palazzo.
Pannelli quadrilateri di vetro trasparente con riflessione del 40%, alternati con pannelli quadrilateri opachi.
Generatrici meridiane:Solo due generatrici meridiane nelle zone di transizione tra la superficie torica e le ellissoidi.
Struttura e colore:Pannelli quadrilateri che approssimano la superficie torica e le ellissoidi.
La struttura ha un colore più scuro rispetto al vetro.
Dettagli aggiuntivi:Pavimento riflettente a quadrati nella piazza antistante.
Presenza di persone nella scena.
Sfondo rappresentato dalla città in lontananza.
Ombre che cadono a sinistra dell'edificio a causa della posizione del sole dietro l'osservatore a destra.


petra hotel

la casa del filosofo

la sorgente e' una scultura moderna reale

شكرا للجزائر
Educational Value of this Image:
A Gesture of Gratitude and Solidarity
In this image (File:شكرا-للجزائر-الشقيق.jpg), a deep gratitude is expressed to the Arab country, Algeria, for its invaluable aid and solidarity to the Palestinian people, who are facing injustices and oppression from the Zionist occupation. Palestine is in a difficult situation, with an occupying entity that commits violence and acts of aggression without regard for international laws and rights.
Algeria, with its courageous gesture of solidarity, provides precious support to the Palestinian people who have lost their land and loved ones but have never lost their dignity. This type of solidarity helps the Palestinian people in their ongoing struggle for freedom and self-determination against the Zionist occupiers.
It is essential to recognize and appreciate the few countries that stand up to support the Palestinian people, as this aid can make a significant difference in their fight for rights and justice. The image expresses gratitude and recognition for Algeria's gesture of solidarity, choosing to stand with the Palestinians in their just cause.
Maintaining this image on Wikipedia is crucial to share this message of appreciation and awareness regarding the plight of oppressed peoples worldwide. It allows us to raise awareness among the public about critical issues like international solidarity and the struggle for human rights. Moreover, the image prompts reflection on how a gesture of support can be meaningful for those facing difficulties and injustices around the world.

The image (File:شكرا-للجزائر-الشقيق.jpg) features an Arabesque-themed environment with an opening overlooking the Algerian flag's star. The horizon symbolizes hope for a better future for Palestine. It expresses gratitude towards Algeria for supporting the Palestinian cause and shows solidarity with their struggle for peace and self-determination.



Labb- Kiosk
La scena rappresenta un chiosco realizzato in legno. La tenda parasole è composta da quadrilateri uguali di stoffa, offrendo ombra e protezione. La piazza antistante ha un pavimento riflettente a quadrati. La presenza di persone nella piazza e lo sfondo urbano aggiungono vita e un'atmosfera urbana. Le ombre del chiosco cadono a sinistra a causa del sole dietro l'osservatore a destra. Un bastone di legno tiene aperto il chiosco, e sul banco sono presenti prodotti da vendere. Si notano anche le giunzioni dei vari pezzi, che consentono di impacchettare il chiosco a fine giornata. L'immagine genera un'atmosfera vivace e autentica del chiosco e dell'ambiente circostante.



This Architectural Scene Was Generated from a Freehand Sketch and Further Enhanced Using Photoshop

Asia- Zuppina

A retirement home

"The darkest corner of hell that is reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.


مبنى الكرسي


كن إنسانًا وشارك الحقيقة
تم حذف الصورة من قبل الصخيونية



"La modestia è l'ornamento più bello dell'uomo."

la casa della ricascata

Pace in Palestina



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